5 Super Foods Proven By Science to Naturally Boost Your Libido

Chances are this isn't the first time you've heard about food being linked libido. The connection between the two have transitioned back and forth from rumor to scientific discovery again and again – but these days, science is thoroughly backing up the claim with research and studies that have proven the link between food choice and sex drive is real. The following foods have been proven to increase an individual's libido after consumption, starting with the classically known libido booster: oysters.
Perhaps the most famous libido-increaser among food options, oysters are most nutritious when eaten raw. Oysters are rich in Zinc, which contributes to the production of testosterone and sperm. They also contain dopamine – a hormone well-known for increasing the libido.
Fish, specifically fish that is rich with fat such as salmon, herring, tuna, sardines, and mackerel are a great food choice that should already feature prominently in your weekly diet due to their high nutritionally benefits. In addition to the Omega-3 fatty acids which offer excellent cardiovascular benefits, fatty fishes can also increase your libido. Like oysters, fishes that are high in good fats also contain dopamine. The dopamine from this kind of fish can help trigger arousal after consumption.
Whole grains/Oatmeal
Oatmeal and whole grains are an easy way to boost your breakfast and your libido. Oats feature the amino acid L-arginine, which has been used to treat erectile dysfunction because L-arginine reduces the rigidness that blood vessels can take on during this particular issue. Because blood vessels are no longer as stiff, testosterone can flow through a person's blood more easily, which means great things for their libido. Oats and whole grains also burn off slowly and keep your energy and stamina up.
Yes, watermelon is mostly water, but not entirely. The small percentage that isn't water is full of nutrients that, like oats/whole grain, open up the blood vessels in the same way that medicines used to treat erectile dysfunction do. Once these vessels are loosed up, blood can flow more freely and deliver testosterone more easily into your system.
Saffron is a spice that can easily be added to a wide variety of meals and drinks, and its libido boosting benefits are centuries old. It can be on the pricey side, but not to worry, a little goes a long way and you'll only need to add a pinch or two to your dinner or afternoon tea in order to reap its aphrodisiac benefits. These benefits include increased sex drive and stamina – add a little ginseng along with your saffron every now and then for an additional libido boost.
Of course, like everything in life, food choices are all about balance. Taking care of your health and increasing your libido naturally can go hand in hand – just make sure not to overdo it.