Overcoming No Sperm Count: Fertility Treatments for Men with Azoospermia
Fertility is a common and complex issue that can affect both men and women. Azoospermia is a condition where there is no sperm in a person's ejaculate. Treatment for azoospermia depends on the underlying cause of the condition. In some cases, surgery can bring sperm back into the semen. Some causes of azoospermia do not have a cure, but sperm can be retrieved for fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI).
Azoospermia Causes and Symptoms
There are three types of azoospermia: post-testicular, testicular, and pre-testicular, caused by blockages, genetics, or hormone imbalances. Blockages are the most common cause of azoospermia and can occur due to injuries, infections, inflammation, and cysts. Most people don't realize they have azoospermia until they try to conceive a child without success.
Some men may have symptoms related to the underlying issue of their azoospermia. For example, if their azoospermia is caused by a hormonal imbalance or infection, they may experience low libido or a lump on their testicles.
Diagnosing and Treating Azoospermia
A healthcare provider can conduct a semen analysis to determine whether an individual has azoospermia. They may also perform a physical exam. If they conclude an azoospermia diagnosis, they’ll develop a customized treatment plan to address the underlying issue.
Treatment options include:
- Surgery: If blockages are causing azoospermia, surgery may be performed to unblock tubes or reconstruct and connect ones that aren’t allowing sperm to flow through.
- Hormone treatments: If low hormone production is the main cause of azoospermia, a healthcare provider may prescribe hormone treatments.
- Sperm retrieval: If the patient decides to conceive through IVF or IUI, a healthcare provider can retrieve sperm directly from the testicle with a needle.
Learn More About Treating Azoospermia
Dealing with azoospermia can be frustrating, but there are treatment options available to help. Dr. Martin Bastuba and the team at Male Fertility & Sexual Medicine Specialists in San Diego and La Jolla, California, can effectively diagnose and treat azoospermia and other conditions impacting male fertility. Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment with our expert team.